Friday, September 28, 2007

What a vocabulary!

I was hanging out with Olivia yesterday and was totally blown away by the vocabulary she's developed. I mean I've noticed every time she's said a new word, but yesterday I just realized how amazing it was and how quickly she is learning. So I thought I would list all of the things she can ramble off. She's only 14 months and she can say: Mama, Dadda, hi, bye bye, uh oh, poo poo, shoes, thank you, bubble, purple, ball, bath, dog, yum, no, yes, eyes, nose, bird, moo, keys, duck, book, baby, belly button, food, and her absolute favorite lately is "oow" (like if something is gross, I don't how to spell it). Like I've said before, she is so smart that we can't even stand it! We love our little gal, we are so proud, and we're convinced that she's a genius!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she is talking so much. She is so big. I am waiting for some additional updates on your family. By the way, I tagged you. Go check out my blog and it will give you the details. I want to read yours soon.