Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bye Bye Baba's and Binki's

Olivia has recently been forced to give up her baba's and binki's, and it's the saddest thing ever. We felt a little bad doing it, but it was definitely time. We convinced her right after she turned two that we needed to give her baba's to the "Baba Fairy" so that the fairy could give them to little babies who didn't have baba's and needed them. She went along with this plan pretty well, especially when we took her outside and hung her bottle on the tree so that the Baba Fairy could come get it after Olivia went to bed. For awhile after that she would ask for her bottle and then stop herself mid sentence and say "the baba fairy took it" with the saddest look on her face, but when we convinced her again that little babies needed it, she would smile and say yep.

The binki was a completely different challenge. We weren't really expecting to get rid of it so soon, but after loosing like 10 in one day and not being able to find any before she went to bed, we gave up on looking and decided we weren't going to buy any more. Olivia loved her binki's, probably more than anything, she constantly had one in her mouth and then one in each hand. I would say her binksters were like little best friends for her so needless to say she wasn't at all happy when we told her we couldn't find any before bed one night. I tried to tell her as sweetly as possible that they were lost and she looked at me with big tear filled eyes and say "no they're not." When Myles tried to explain to her that we couldn't find any she would say "yes you can, Mommy is getting it." This went on for a few days and it's been about two weeks now and she's still asking for her binki. I kind of miss her having one. She is already growing up so fast and it was the one thing left that was still a little babyish and now it's gone. I know that's silly because it was such a pain to find all the time and expensive since we went through so many, but I think sometimes I miss it as much as she does.


Kelly O. said...

I love that she has a binki in her mouth as she's giving away her baba. Classic.

Beth said...

We had a REALLY hard time getting Anna to quit her "ralphie" too. She was so addicted that when Matt was born she would steal his pacifier and go hide somewere (like inside the dryer for insance)to suck on it in peace.

Alan and Lynette said...

Binkies forever!
Alan Nette and Jake

Hayley said...

I hear ya- it's too hard letting them grow up sometimes! And I'm cracking up over beth's comment- that is great! Gotta love kids! Your a great mom Laura!